Report to:

Place Scrutiny Committee


Date of meeting:


14 July 2023


Assistant Chief Executive



Place Scrutiny Committee future work programme



To review and agree items for the Place Scrutiny Committee’s future work programme and receive updates on previous work.


RECOMMENDATIONS: The Place Scrutiny Committee is recommended to:

1) Review and agree agenda items for the future Committee meetings, including items listed in the updated work programme in appendix 1;

2) Review and agree topics for Scrutiny Reviews to be included in the Committee’s future work programme; and

3) Review upcoming items on East Sussex County Council’s (ESCC) Forward Plan in appendix 2 to identify any issues that may require more detailed scrutiny.


4) Note the Climate Emergency Action Plan Working Group will be reconvened (paragraph 2.3); and


5) Confirm the membership of the Economic Growth Strategy Reference Group as outlined in paragraph 2.4 of the report.



1. Background

1.1       The work programme is an important tool in ensuring the correct focus and best use of the Committee’s time in scrutinising topics that are of importance to the residents of East Sussex, and the efficient and effective working of the Council. It also provides clarity for those who may be requested to give evidence to the Committee on the issues under review, and the questions the Committee requires answers to.

1.2.      Discussion of the work programme provides the Committee with the opportunity to examine topics that it may be of value to scrutinise, and to decide whether further scoping work is required. This provides a basis for deciding the best way of scrutinising a topic, the timescale, and who from the Committee will be involved in carrying out the review work. If there are a number of topics for review, the Committee can determine the priority of the work within the resources available to the Committee.

2. Work programme and future scrutiny reviews

2.1       The Committee is asked to review the items in the current work programme and discuss the future agenda items and other scrutiny work of the Committee for inclusion in the Committee’s future work programme. A copy of the work programme is contained in appendix 1 of the report for agreement by the Committee.

2.2       The Committee is also asked to consider whether there are any potential topics for future scrutiny reviews, or agenda items for future meetings, that should be included in the work programme. This can include any topics or issues identified through the Committee’s work on the Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR) process.


Climate Emergency Action Plan – Working Group

2.3       The Committee has been approached to provide input into the development of a carbon offsetting policy for the Council and an update of the corporate Environmental Policy. Given the previous involvement of the Climate Emergency Action Plan Working Group in this topic, it would be appropriate to reconvene the Working Group to undertake this piece of work on behalf of the Committee.  The Committee is therefore asked to note that the Climate Emergency Action Plan Working Group will reconvene to consider and provide scrutiny input into the development of a carbon offsetting policy for the Council and an update of the corporate Environmental Policy. The members of the Working Group are councillors Julia Hilton, Ian Hollidge, Eleanor Kirby-Green and Paul Redstone (Chair).

East Sussex Economic Growth Strategy - Reference Group

2.4       At the March Place Scrutiny Committee meeting it was agreed to establish a Reference Group to provide scrutiny input into the development of an Economic Growth Strategy for East Sussex. The following committee members have indicated that they wish to take part in this work and the Committee is asked to confirm the membership of the Reference Group as being: Cllr Chris Collier, Cllr Julia Hilton, Cllr Ian Hollidge, Cllr Paul Redstone and Cllr David Tutt.


3. Forward Plan

3.1       A copy of the Council’s Forward Plan of executive decisions for the period 1 July 2023 to 31 October 2023 is included in appendix 2. The Committee is requested to review the forthcoming items on the Forward Plan to identify any issues that may require scrutiny work. The Forward Plan is revised and published on a monthly basis, and Committee members should regularly review the Forward Plan.


4. Conclusion and reasons for recommendations

4.1       The Place Scrutiny Committee is recommended to agree the work programme contained in appendix 1 and agree any further agenda items or topics for scrutiny reviews to be included in the future work programme. The Committee is also recommended to review the Council’s Forward Plan of decisions to identify any issues that may require more detailed scrutiny and confirm the membership of the Economic Growth Strategy Reference Group.


Assistant Chief Executive

Contact Officer: Martin Jenks, Senior Scrutiny Adviser
Tel. No. 01273 481327


